8,820 research outputs found

    Nucleus: A Pilot Project

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    Early in 2016, an environmental scan was conducted by the Research Library Data Working Group for three purposes: 1.) Perform a survey of the data management landscape at Los Alamos National Laboratory in order to identify local gaps in data management services. 2.) Conduct an environmental scan of external institutions to benchmark budgets, infrastructure, and personnel dedicated to data management. 3.) Draft a research data infrastructure model that aligns with the current workflow and classification restrictions at Los Alamos National Laboratory. This report is a summary of those activities and the draft for a pilot data management project.Comment: 13 pages, repor

    Imaging of Alignment, Deformation and Dissociation of CS2 Molecules using Ultrafast Electron Diffraction

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    Imaging the structure of molecules in transient excited states remains a challenge due to the extreme requirements for spatial and temporal resolution. Ultrafast electron diffraction from aligned molecules (UEDAM) provides atomic resolution and allows for the retrieval of structural information without the need to rely on theoretical models. Here we use UEDAM and femtosecond laser mass spectrometry (FLMS) to investigate the dynamics in carbon disulfide (CS2) following the interaction with an intense femtosecond laser pulse. We have retrieved images of ground state and excited molecules with 0.03 {\AA} precision. We have observed that the degree of alignment reaches an upper limit at laser intensities below the ionization threshold, and found evidence of structural deformation, dissociation, and ionization at higher laser intensities

    Rheology of Weakly Vibrated Granular Media

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    We probe the rheology of weakly vibrated granular flows as function of flow rate, vibration strength and pressure by performing experiments in a vertically vibrated split-bottom shear cell. For slow flows, we establish the existence of a novel vibration dominated granular flow regime, where the driving stresses smoothly vanish as the driving rate is diminished. We distinguish three qualitatively different vibration dominated rheologies, most strikingly a regime where the shear stresses no longer are proportional to the pressure.Comment: 14 pages, 19 figures, submitted to PR

    \u27Meaning Strides Through These Poems\u27: Ted Berrigan\u27s \u3ci\u3eThe Sonnets\u3c/i\u3e and the Poetics of Sociability

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    In the field of modern/postmodern poetry studies, the Second Generation New York School of poets has been, and continues to be, an undervalued aesthetic movement. Following the now famous First Generation New York School - a literary and artistic coterie containing the likes of Ashbery, O\u27Hara, and Pollock - the poets of the Second Generation lived, worked, and often died in New York\u27s Lower East Side and, in the process, emulated and altered the aesthetic of the First Generation. This thesis attempts to contextualize the achievements of the Second Generation New York School by focusing on the movement\u27s de facto leader, the poet Ted Berrigan. Born in Providence, but raised in Tulsa, Berrigan is best known for The Sonnets (1964), a collection of poetry that relies on processes of assemblage and cut-up to effect a proceduralist poetry that, up until recently, has garnered little scholarly attention. It is my contention that The Sonnets is of monumental importance to an understanding of twentieth-century postmodern poetry because it reflects a Marxian attitude towards community collaboration, language as commodified linguistic object, and the role of the modernist poet as as bourgeois (and far too serious!) individualized maker-of-meaning. By explicating The Sonnets\u27 subtle, yet poignant, socioeconomic critique, I am hoping that future scholarly attention will be given to both Berrigan and the poetic experiment that sustained him, the Second Generation New York School

    Shanghai, China: “Nontraditional” Traditional Chinese Medicine

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    Joshua Martin is a second-year PharmD student in the Purdue University College of Pharmacy. Within the College of Pharmacy, he is the president-elect of the Industry Pharmacist Organization (IPhO), is on the Orientation Steering Committee for newly admitted PharmD students, and preforms nanoparticle research within the Industrial and Physical Pharmacy sector of the College. He hopes to pursue a career in the pharmaceutical industry where he can positively impact patients on a global scale. Josh comes from a family of Boilermakers and avidly supports the Black and Gold. In this article, he describes his experience studying at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and how this experience will further his direct patient care as a pharmacist

    D-linking and the semantics of wh-in-situ

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    Theories of pair-list readings of multiple wh-questions commonly posit an interpretive asymmetry between the fronted and in-situ wh-phrases, where the fronted wh-phrase is argued to function as the sortal key, have a requirement to be interpreted exhaustively, or be obligatorily D-linked. To clarify the empirical landscape of such debate, I present three experiments which tease apart the effects of these often-confounded discourse factors on the order and interpretation of multiple wh-questions. They are found to have either inconsistent or insignificant effects, arguing against a unique discourse-sensitivity of the fronted wh-phrase. Theories of questions which encode such an asymmetry should accordingly be revised

    Capstone Senior Recital: Joshua Martin, piano

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    This recital is presented in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree Bachelor of Music in Performance. Mr. Martin studies piano with Robert Henry.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1491/thumbnail.jp

    Taking Sides: Urban Wandering as Decolonial Translation and Critique of Settler Colonialism

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    Abstract: Colonialism fragments meaning. This essay takes up colonial fragmentation of meaning as a question of translation. It offers a decolonial methodology to unpack the political stakes as one moves back and forth across the colonial line. The methodology is based on a conscious process of urban wandering or drifting, what the Situationists called the “dérive.” Two case studies of itinerant decolonial theorizing follow. The first is a sketch of the militarized border between the US and Mexico, and the second example has to do with Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day. In the case studies, translating is treated as a question of “tuning in” as one tunes into a conversation, or, alternatively, as if into a radio frequency. The metaphor of translation-as-tuning-in allows us to address practical and concrete questions of translation in everyday settings, as well as contemporary theoretical debates in translation studies. Keywords: translation; colonialism; decolonial methodology; border; dériveResumen: El colonialismo fragmenta el significado. Este ensayo aborda la fragmentación colonial del significado como una cuestión de traducción. Se propone plantear una metodología descolonial para desentrañar los intereses y las apuestas políticas que supone desplazarnos a lo largo de la línea colonial, con base en un proceso autoconsciente de divagación urbana, lo que los situacionistas denominan la “deriva.” Para este fin se presentan dos casos de lo que planteamos como una teorización descolonial itinerante. El primero es un bosquejo de la frontera militarizada entre Estados Unidos y México, y el segundo tiene que ver con la diferencia entre la designación del llamado Día de la Raza (en inglés "día de Colón") / Día de los Pueblos Indígenas. En estos casos se aborda la traducción como una cuestión de “sintonización”, en el sentido de sintonizarnos a una conversación, o a una frecuencia radial. La metáfora de la traducción-como-sintonización nos permite analizar cuestiones prácticas y concretas de la traducción en entornos cotidianos, así como también comentar debates teóricos de la traductología contemporánea. Palabras clave: traducción; colonialismo; metodología descolonial; frontera; derivaRésumé : Le colonialisme fragmente le sens. Dans cet article, où la fragmentation coloniale du sens est une question de traduction, l’auteur recourt à une méthodologie décoloniale dans le but d’examiner les enjeux politiques rencontrés lorsque l’on évolue d’un côté puis de l’autre de la frontière du colonialisme. Le travail est fondé sur un processus conscient d’errance ou de flânerie urbaine, que les Situationnistes appellent dérive. Deux études de cas pour théoriser le décolonialisme itinérant sont ainsi proposées. La première est une esquisse de la frontière militarisée entre les États-Unis et le Mexique. Le second exemple concerne Colombus Day (jour férié aux États-Unis) et la journée des peuples autochtones. Dans cette étude de cas, la traduction est une question d’ajustement, tout comme quelqu’un qui s’ajuste à une conversation, ou tout comme on ajuste une fréquence radio. La métaphore d’une traduction qui mène à un ajustement nous permet de répondre à des questions concrètes et pratique de traduction dans nos contextes quotidiens, comme dans les débats théoriques contemporains en traductologie.  Mots clés : traduction; colonialisme; méthodologie décoloniale; frontière; dériveResumo: O colonialismo fragmenta o sentido. Este ensaio toma a fragmentação colonial do sentido como uma questão de tradução e oferece uma metodologia decolonial para desvendar suas implicações políticas na medida em que nos movemos de uma lado para o outro da linha colonial. A metodologia baseia-se no processo autoconsciente de errância, de um estar à deriva no espaço urbano, o que os Situacionistas chamavam de “dérive”. Dois estudos de caso baseados na perspectiva teórica decolonial itinerante são apresentados. O primeiro é um esboço da fronteira militar entre os EUA e o México, o segundo está relacionado ao Dia de Colombo e ao Dia do Índio. Nos estudos de caso, traduzir é tratado como uma questão de sintonizar-se, como  em uma conversa ou estação de rádio. A metáfora da tradução com o ato de sintonizar nos permite endereçar as questões práticas e concretas da tradução em situações cotidianas, bem como nos debates contemporâneos dos estudos da tradução. Palavras-chave: tradução; colonialismo; metodologia decolonial; fronteira, dériv